
The Weekend Report
Last week was stressful. On top of my school work and jobs I had to prepare presentations for this weekend and get things my stuff finalized for the thesis focus group. Now things are over and the focus group is running as I write this... we had a good student turnout and I want to give a huge thanks to Jose and Gaby from MSU for coming to facilitate the group. THANK YOU!

(MGCA) Conference was awesome! It was a great networking opportunity as always and my presentations all went well. Thanks to Aaron Haight and Michelle Guobadia who both presented with me and the Miami University for asking me to be part of their panel discussion. Having the faculty demarkation on my name tag was just plain out cool!

Out of 1600 attendees... Santiago and I were the only Betas.

The GVSU delegation at the final banquet.

While there I also had a quick board meeting for the Western Region Greek Association. The conference we put on is getting close and we have a lot to do... I had an awesome experience at MGCA doing research for WRGA. I got to be in the AV booth and help with their final banquet. Being in the booth with the headphones and helping with all the equipment was a great learning experience. The AV at WRGA is going to rock this year!

The highlight of the weekend was getting to hangout with Novali. She was not too keen on meeting new people there and so we did not stay with the GVSU group. We had fun getting some Mexican food and she showed me some new art work she has done. I love posting her pictures by my desk at work.

Placing her order, she loves reading the menu.

She has this dress that she loves to put on... as soon as we got home she ran to grab it.

I got her PJs on... and like a good little monkey she wanted to jump on the bed.

Laying down with Papi and trying to sleep.

Friday night went out. That week was Angel's (Novali's uncle) 21st birthday and Tamara and I threw him a party. I wanted to help as a thank you for the times he watches Novali and has been a help. We went to Transit a Latin/Hip Hop club in Chicago. The place has three rooms, one with Latin music, another with new Hip Hop, R&B and Reggae and then the final room has slower and older Hip Hop music. The place has a great atmosphere. Happy Birthday Angel.

Angel and Tamara.

Tamara and her friends all came out.

Reymall came out and we chilled like always...

Rey doing his thing..

The focus group is still running right now... Becky is stressing over if the tape recording will work. I am wondering how much longer it will take. We are both procrastinating and not looking forward to the paper we have due this Tuesday for our Career Guidance class.

Spring Break is one week away...

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