
Yeah... oh yeah.
Typical day. Too little sleep, too much to do, too few hours left in the day. It is not even 8 AM right now and I am feeling the crunch. My trip over spring break is really pushing back a lot of things I needed to get done, and upon my return I have had some bad luck.

First issue. Dead Palm Pilot. Yes it died... and I have not backed it up since I got my new laptop (December 2003) and I have lost some pretty important stuff I fear. I had trouble using my palm with this new laptop, hence why I wanted a new Palm. However, now my Palm is not working and I am left with nothing.

Second issue. Graduation. Most people have told me to go ahead and do a race (if the NX 2000 is ready) on graduation day instead of sitting through a boring graduation ritual. However, the letter in the mail telling me I failed my graduation audit... not good. I know it is because my practicum remains unfinished... I am trying to get it done, seriously. However with what time in my oh so free schedule will I get it done?

Third issue. Undermotivation. I really don't want a real job, or the real world in general. "I don't want to work... I just want to bang on my drum all day! ... " I think those are the words. I love that song, and no I don't play drums. It was the morning radio theme song on my Kalamazoo radio station. I need a good dose of that in the mornings again.

So there is my list. Let me switch gears, it will cheer me up.

OREGON IMPACT! Yes it rocked, I am still trying to keep the energy from the weekend going. To add to that excitement I was accepted as a facilitator this summer for UIFI (a program of the NIC). I will be doing session two.

Here are a few shots from Oregon. I will be doing a slide show of all the pictures I took for Oregon and send them a CD. I still can not say in words how awesome it was to be there.

It was a really beautiful campus.

Opening night group activities.

Large group sessions.

The facility was awesome, and so was the food.

The place is a famous basketball camp.

I love playing four-square!

Every night we found tons of ways to amuze ourselves.

The chair game, not sure the official name. It was fun!

The closing committment circle.

The Oregon mountains surrounded the campsite.

I want to apologize for not commenting on blogs lately. I will get more time this weekend and get caught up on all my reading (yes Becky I will read for thesis to). I am hoping to get a ton done this weekend and I will start next week on a better foot and really start to tackle all the big projects I got going on right now.

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