
The House Sitter
Well Shelley is back now. We worked together the last few days and she has a little different management style then I am used to, but that is a good cause I need that experience. I am loving the office and working on the recruitment planning with the students. Some highlights from house sitting and work so far...

Saturday night I cooked, it was my first time cooking here. I kinda burned the food (too used to my Foreman Grill) and ruined a pan. I felt kinda bad about that. When Shelley got home I mentioned there was a pan soaking in the sink... and that it had seen better days. She did not seem to mind too much... but either way I owe Shelley (and Herb, her husband) a new pan. I did wash the Audi, which was in desperate need of a good bath. So I pulled a mini-love your car day and cleaned the inside as well. Hope the NX does not get too jealous.

Sunday was an IFC recruitment meeting. Orientation (called IntroDUCKtion) starts in two weeks and they have done little to nothing so far... so in steps Sam. I also have my nickname out here, the former Greek Advisor was a red head named Carly. So of course I am the "new" Carly as the students say, but I remind them that I am just the "Summer Carly" and now the nickname has been born. So if you come out here and hear them call me the "Summer Carly", don't be surprised. I think the guys are disappointed I am not cute like she is, they'll get over it.

Monday after work Herb cooked, and man he is some chef! I can't even list everything he made. Deviled eggs, roasted pork, sausage, teriyaki chicken, vegetables, lettuce wedge, cubed cheese (not sure why but cheese in cubes just tastes better), and tons of other stuff. It was a feast... best meal I have had in a long time. We got leftovers today for lunch and I am wondering what he will whip up today...

Got more meetings today. Meeting with the Panhel pres to go over GEORGE. That is what they call the master recruitment schedule. The thing is crazy, they have the week of formal recruitment planned to the minute. They have travel time to the Rho Gammas hotel, walking distance between houses timed, recruitment for the women here is an exact science. A little scary... and then today at 5 pm I meet with IFC. Their recruitment is let's say... not an exact science. The IFC actually plans very little at all, and there is nothing formal set up. This fall that will all change. It sucks that I will not be around to see the fruits of my labor, but I am excited to help them develop something new.

Another cool term from here is something they call the Greek Grid. During the Week of Welcome (WOW) they do the grid. that means for the high traffic times of the day fraternities and sororities are paired up and assigned parts of campus to "hangout" in wearing letters. This way students see Greeks all over the place. It creates the illusion to freshmen that Greeks are everywhere (Greeks are 10% of campus). A very cool idea, and I get to help plan the strategy for this fall. So I got my generals hat on... planning the attack grid.

I am trying to book my flight into Michigan for my Albion interview right now. Man flights from here are expensive! Good thing Albion is paying me back for the flight. Either way, I will be in town the weekend of July 16th, so hopefully I will run into some of you.

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