
Surprises and Adventures
So the Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Lambda Beta has two new members. On Friday night at 10:20:56 PM the Nu Line crossed. Steve and Raul are now El Padre and La Razon and their proud ship name is NUVISION. Congrats to the Neos and like all Brothers say... "The Hard Work Begins Now."

This was a very exciting line because Steve is Gary's little Brother in two ways, they are blood Brothers and now he is his little Brother in the Fraternity. It is very prideful for me because Gary is my little Brother making Steve part of my family tree. These two guys will be amazing additions to the Beta family at WMU and I expect great things to come.

The night was great, from GVSU came Maximo, Santiago, Sunil and of course Hermen. Ramon came and represented for Zeta and Junior from MSU came. Of course WMU diehar, Reymall came out and Vic as well. Rudy and Ish did a good job making everything successful. Good work everyone. We ended the night with a trip to Denny's after clubbing it up at Cheek to Cheek (the only under21 club on Fridays). Many hilarious stories.... Vic and his stain... Max not allowed to enter with his sleeveless cowboy shirt... Raul getting gamed on by the hot chicks at Denny's (no seriouslly, they were hot)... the old Asian hottie... and the clothes donations.

Steve and Raul... the proud Neos.

The Epsilon Nu Line:

Steve and my deuce Vic.

The Proud ME posing with his Neos.

The GVSU gang rolled up: Hermen, Santi, Sunil and Max. Big Ups from the Epsilon Chapter to GVSU for their support.

Anyone who knows me really well... will know why this picture of us ready for the club is funny.

Saturday morning we got up, had a quick meeting with the guys since I am missing the full chapter retreat, ate some more Big Burrito... and then Hermen and I rolled to Chicago. Novalí was a little cranky when we got there so we hung out a little and Hermen went back. Thanks a ton for the ride Bro, good looking out. After a short nap Novalí was back to her normal funny self and she was asking where Hermen went.

Saturday was the Puerto Parade so Novalí had her flags.

Novalí must keep Kraft in business with her Mac and Cheese addiction.

She loves to take pictures... tells you to say Cheese and everything.

Always the Diva... with her purple purse and twirling her hair.
Sunday was fathers day, Novalí made me a sweet little card with her hand prints in it, best card (and only) I got for fathers day. It was nice to have a few fraternity Brothers and friends called and congratulated me as well. Thanks. Sunday was also the Puerto Rican Festival. The famous Tito Rojas was playing and Tamara's mom did not want to miss it. So I went with her and Novalí while Tamara went to work. It was a lot of fun and great to see that many Latinos out and having great food, games, and Caribbean music. I ate three cups of Coco Ice Cream, some sweet lechon, arroz, chicharon, and of course tostones.

She woke me up at 8am and we played.

Then it was bath time before getting ready.

Her hair is so curly when wet.

It is finally starting to get long also.

All dressed and ready to hit the road.

In the stroller entering Humbolt Park.

There were all kinds of games and of course Novi wanted to ride the courosel.

Puerto Ricans put flags designs on everything, or just plain out wear the flag.

Novi and Abuela waiting for the bands.

I love Coco Ice Cream... I need to buy a machine.

Food, food, food... Atkins can wait until I am not near Puerto Rican food.

She sat on my shoulders to be able to see the bands. She loved the stage dancers and danced all over.
I took some great video clips as well and put together a little clip of her dancing. You can tell Novalí is part Puerto Rican cause any time a little Salsa comes on she gets to dancing. Check her out:

VIDEOS: Small Size (.6 Meg) | Large Size (3 Meg)
Right click to download videos. Small size only recommend for Dial-Up users.

Monday morning we watched Dora the Explorer and then hangout all day. Then Tuesday was the adventure....

I got up and headed to O'Hare Airport. I got there barely on time for my flight and rushed to find the ticket counter for ATA.... but there was none. I looked all over, terminal after terminal... no ATA. So I asked someone that worked there... "There is no ATA here sir" was the reply I got. I check my ticket, and sure enough.... I was supposed to be at Midway. So I hoped back on the CTA Train and headed to Midway. It was about an hour long train ride and I arrived. The lady there at the counter laughed when I said I was a little late for my flight. I managed to get a stand by flight... for five hours later. What to do... what to do... what to do...

I bummed for a while and made some calls. Talked to my mom and found out she is in the hospital with more shoulder pain... I cheered her up with my funny airport story. Then I decided I needed to find internet... so my last reserve was to call 1-800-STARBUCKS... and it worked. There was a shop about 10 blocks away with internet... so I took to the streets... and the adventures of Sam continue...

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