
Fair Pics
I know it has taken me longer then usual to post, not having high speed internet at home is a bigger hinderance then I thought. I know I am spoiled. I had my Bradley interview today and it went well, now I am in Chicago and tomorrow I fly back to the West Coast. I wanted to get these fair pics out soon, so here they are.

So here is the deal, I went to the Oregon Country fair last Saturday (see earlier post). I was surprised to find the fair was really cool. It was not overly political like I thought it would be, it was just a big happy hippie fest of people being "free" or whatever they were being. I won't write a lot here, just make notes on the pictures to describe what happened. There are some "questionable" photos so please use discretion when viewing. I do not want to censor my own photos... I need to "express" myself. Okay enough hippie talk, here goes...

The entrance was filled with weird people and of course... a Welcome sign.

At the entrance I got confused and thought it was costume required... but it was costume optional.

Like anywhere in Oregon bands set up at each corner or open space, with their own hippie ontourage.

Amoung all the veggie booths I had to look and look for meat. Two times now Marty's (Owner) Peruvian food booth saved me at Eugene events.

Gypsy and fairy life was in the air, booths, costumes, everything!

Lots of the people in costume mocked mainstream culture. There was a group of people dressed in all white mocking the tennis life... Muffy shall we play a match after tea?

Family Nudist Park... not that a nudist park is not shocking enough... but one for the entire family?

"What will Bush do Next?" Options on the wheel included illegal invasions, deforesting for oil, and a few other top hippie agenda items.

No hippie nation is complete without a drum circle and crazy dancing.

Bands... bands... bands. Everywhere you looked there was a band asking for money.

Surprise! Another band...

This band had home made intruments.

This guy was telling people to live like native americans... he made a fire with two sticks, but he had a metal hammer in his belt amoung other metal manufactured tools. Yeah real native like there Mister.

Nirvana Tubes: you hold this tube to your ear and hear what the trees do. Hello... put any long tube with a curve on it and you get a funny sound. Maybe some one has never been to the ocean and picked up a shell?

Kilts with cargo pockets were all rage at the fair this year, and also parrots and pirates.

This huge chess set was cool.

I am betting this guy is a stock broker and she is the manager of a Doctors Office... this is their weekend outfit.

Wings of any type were very much in style. I thought about getting Novali a pair... but these were only made in sizes for adults.

Lots of young girls with old guys...

"The Devil is Cool!"... ah... and they wonder why regular people don't like them?

Big Asian dragon, that was very cool.

The rest of the dragon...

His sign said, "The Emperor Wears no Clothes." (he had George Bush mask on)

Topless fairies and mermaids everywhere.

They had a huge disk of ice out there.

You were supposed to touch this one spot, and by the end of the day there would be a hole there. Cool.

Mines and performers all over the place...

Another band... with a guy that played the spoons... now that is talent.

Got to have the silver lady.

Crazy costumes and stilts.

The entrance had some cool big "art" and of course tons of bike people rode there... i mean since gas is evil.

Bush doing the peace sign, shirt says, "Bet You'll Vote This Time Hipppie." I had to get it.
So that was the fair adventure... wow that was a long post. See why it took so long for me to complete. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

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