
8 minutes and a Briton Burger
This morning it took me 8 minutes to walk to work. How great is that! I was the first one into the office, got to make the good impression on my first day. Then did the fun Human Resource paperwork, picked my health plan, signed my tax documents, and BAM... I am official.

In the office I had a ton of papers waiting for me. Not fun at all, mail had piled up all summer. Mostly junk and advertisements for speakers and what not, but some important stuff from consultants and people coming to campus. I got into my email... already had 46 messages! Ah. I guess this school works largely on email communication... perfect for me.

I wanted to include some pics of campus for everyone to see.

The Kellogg Center, where my office is.

Wesley Hall is where a large amount of students live.

They have a cool observatory on campus built in 1883.

The Goodrich campus chapel.

The recreation center

Vulgamore Hall

Robinson Hall. I love the white pillars everywhere.

The architecture on campus is very distictive.

For lunch I had a Briton Burger from the Eat Shop. The burger has thousand island dressing on it, very tasty and an Albion tradition. The food place in the Kellogg Center is pretty cheap, but I need to find some healthier options... since I am gonna start working out and everything.

It is great cause it is not even 1 PM yet and I have had students coming in all morning to say hi. Tonight Panhel is sponsoring desserts by the sorority lodges which I will be attending (which means I will miss GVSU's Campus Life Night...). On Friday the fraternities are hosting a cook out which should be good as well. I am excited...

Now I have to figure out how I will rearrange my office furniture.

Edit: Miguel posted an Abuelo update. Update

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