
That's More Like It
Well the welcome flags are down... gloves are on... time to work folks. The parade of meetings is getting longer, but no longer the welcome wagon, now it's the, "What are you gonna do about this?" Wagon.

So what is rolling in on these new wagons?

Wagon #1 - This past weekend a fraternity decided to not follow the party rules really well... and when things got out of control did not feel it was their responsibility to get it under control. Hum? Got to love these simple miscommunications.

Wagon #2 - A sorority violated a Panhellenic Unanimous Agreement... that means... infraction, which equals Panhellenic Judicial process, which implicates me in more work and forms, and guess what, yep, more meetings.

Wagon #3 - I had to watch a video about how to safely drive a big van. Boring. It was a nice break in my afternoon though. Next week I get my driving test... to be officially certified. I don't mind this wagon so much. No pun intended about the wagon/van thing... ah.. nevermind.

Wagon #4 - COB. Continuous Open Bidding. So if a women, signs a bid with a sorority, but never gets fully initiated, she can drop out, and has to wait one full year before trying to join another group. Now... the records for who signed sorority bids are split into two different folders (Formal and COB), and I need to cross check those with a list of women entering recruitment this fall to make sure they are eligible. And guess what... I do not get even one full day to check... Agh.

For those who think I might be annoyed with these issues... think again. This is why I went into Greek Life... excitement! Something new, everyday. Call me crazy, but I love it.

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