
Gone Fishing

Novali fishing in Kids N Stuff in Albion

With her little plastic fish. "I did it, I did it!" she screemed.

Well NovalĂ­'s visit is over. We had lunch today and they took off, back to Chicago. We had a blast. She loved her pink room, we watched movies, drew with chalk, and tons of other fun things. Not to mention showing her and Tamara my office and campus, Novali showed me how I need to leave my desk when I leave my office (always the organizer).

As always, I will put my photo-journalism skills to the test.

Playing the piano in the Kellogg Center, where I work.

Playing with her gifts, she can't come to Michigan without getting something. This is a little drum from my Primo Oscar.

Climbing the wrong way up the slide...

The playground here at Victory Park is huge and entertained her all afternoon.

Tuesday we went to Kids N Stuff. Tons of games and toys, she loved the fossil finding activity the most.

She also loved the little river. Fishing, fish races, and a little waterfall.

There was a truck in the middle, anytime she wanted to go to a new play area she told us she had to go in the truck.

She made us a meal in the kitchen. Mami got pizza and brocoli, papi got an egg and some bread. Cafe con Leche for everyone.

They had a little stage and costumes, she refused to sing into the mic, but she wore the band hat.

They had a fake shopping area, Novali bought cookies, yogurt, and granola.
Each day we wore each other out. I had to work in the mornings and at night we played and played. Watched Shrek, drew pictures, used her coloring book, and cooked.

Her last night was pumpkin carving. It was my parents's idea, my dad bought me one while they were here this weekend. So last night Novali carved her first Jack-O-Lantern. We even baked the seeds afterwards, not as good as mom used to make, but not bad for a first timer.

With her pumpkin... ready to carve.

She refused to get dirty for a while... but she broke down and reached inside.

Posing with her Calabaza (pumpkin) and of course... Nono.

I let it burn for a little while and we went inside.

Now it is back to the grind. I took Monday and Tuesday afternoons off of work, so I got some catching up with work stuff. At work we just got out holiday break schedule, I will get a full week and a day off for Christmas. Now I have to make plans!

Anyhow, back to work. I miss Novali already... it was nice to come from work and have her be there excited and hugging me. Helps with the daily stress and not taking work home.

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