
Good, Good
Well... I guess my presentation at the National Hazing Symposium was better then I thought. I have had several people email me already about how much they loved what I had to say, and one of those people wants to contract me to come and speak at their school. I am very excited about that and I hope we can work out a date and time that I can be down at their campus. I will keep you all posted.

Consulting. I have had in the past week two new places contact me about doing websites which is promising. I also had one of my current clients say they need me to do some extra work for them which all means more work for good ol' OutsightDesign.

The final good part of this week, I talked to Speedway HQ about my gas incident. The guy was understanding, sympathetic and seemed like he wanted to help me. They are assigning a case "specialist" to fix the problem. I told the guy I love Speedway hot dogs. He was much nicer then those losers at National City, or the bums at Verizon.

So this week is going great, and this Saturday I decided to run home and see my family over there. Then Sunday I am heading with the staff here to Denison Univeristy for a Directors Conference. Should be fun... roadtrip!

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