
Lots of Good News
It has been a stressful couple weeks for me, and this week some good things are happening. Here is some news for all everyone.

1. GVSU Betas - Yesterday the Betas at GVSU got word that they are now official the Alpha Gamma Chapter of Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc. I am so proud of these guys, lots of Brothers did not think they would be able to survive at GVSU with such a small Latino student population, and low percentage of Greek life. They did it... as my gift for their chartering I made them a new website... check it out... oh yeah, turn your speakers on first! Alpha Gamma Chapter

2. Tonight after work I am going shopping for Novali's first grown up girl bed. I am trying to find something fun and cute, like a Dora the Explorer bed, when I was a kid I wanted a Knight Rider bed... but Novali really wants something in Pink...

3. This afternoon, with the help of Jennifer from work, we drove to Byron Center Michigan, and bought my next car. I got a great deal, and I think I found the best deal. I took my time looking for the right car and I found it! Thanks for taking me Jennifer, and for the rest of the world, here are some pictures of the newest CruceƱo Nissan...

I will seriously try to not get the upgrade bug and start doing stuff to it... but I am sure it is only a matter of time before I have neon lights inside and subs in the trunk... Team PLP!

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