Busy... just Busy
I have been working nearly non stop the past two weeks. Between preparing for sorority recruitment, to working with fraternities on their sanctions from judicial cases last semester, I have been a busy bee.
Oh, and did I mention the big diversity program I have been working on? That has taken up a lot of time as well and that is in a couple minutes. Not sure why I sign up for these things, but I really wanted to make a new program on diversity for Greek Life that would be different and new, something the students would get something out of when they walk away. I think we did that, we had a student driven program and tonight will announce a new programming initiative as well. Groups will get $200 to do something with a culturally based group. I like being at a school that is willing to put its money where its mouth is on diversity issues. I think the program will go well, and I am excited to have been a part of creating this new program here... plus the President of the school will be there... so it better go well.
As much as work is stressing me... things are going well. Recruitment plans are rolling along and we are meeting our goals in terms of women signing up. So that is good. The stressful part... I will have four different sororities HQ staff here watching over recruitment. Like if doing my first full our recruitment with Panhel on my own was not stressful enough....
And IFC is making strides... we have had one successful meeting with the Dean of Students in which they accomplished some important things, including a meeting with her again tomorrow on another subject. Not to mentioned their first all campus program last week (Poker Tournament) was a huge success. We packed out the Stack (big room in the Union) and had a blast.
Did I mention my possible trip... well I started attending the meetings of OLA, the Organization for Latino/a Awareness. I am helping them raise money for their trip to Honduras and they have asked me to come on their service trip. I am not sure if my budget will be able to do it, but I really want to go. I also was impressed how quickly the group was willing to accept my advice. I am gonna enjoy working with that group a lot.
Speaking of trips, I had a great relaxing weekend as well. Went to a wedding of my friend Shawna (who reads my blog but does not comment, ie. BlogStalker). We had a lot of fun working together at GVSU and I am glad to see her again, and hopefully once she gets a Greek Life job back in the midwest will see her even more. Congrats to you and Doug. I will send out pictures to people soon... just too busy right now... sorry folks!
Well off I go... even time. Then I get to leave campus... at 8pm... to just go home and relax. Maybe watch a movie or something. Adios!
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