
Beta Times
Living in Albion has often left me on the sidelines of a lot of things going on in Beta world. I am not near many Brothers and can rarely have the free time to just catch dinner with someone. Yesterday I got an email from Vic and he got the chance to head out to NY. He was not having luck finding a job, so he figured why not... So on short notice he is leaving, I figured I better get to Kalamazoo and wish him luck. That is what is nice about this summer... slow at work and I can take my nights and drive to see people. We chilled at the Wayside, ate some of their great Buffalo Chicken Nachos and 50cent drafts and watched the Pistons waste some great opportunities.

The game was great, the food hit the spot, and chilling at Wayside with my Brother Vic was the best way to spend a night. We talked about our chapter, my duaghter, his family, the old days, and what he plans to do with himself in New York. I bounced out early, filled my tank with 1.99 Gas (I was excited!) and got some rest.

Tonight I get to do the same thing... Gary is back from Germany and I want to catch up with him. We are planning dinner in Kalamazoo at one of our old hangouts, and then of course... what else do Betas do on Thursday? Latin Night at Club Soda! Some of the Gammas and GV Betas will be coming as well. It will be a nice time to hangout, but I of course will have to leave early to get home and rest for work. I am excited to see them all.

Finally... on the Beta front... last summer we launched our new magazine called REGO. We are about to send out the second issue and they just kicked off the website. So check out the official REGO Mag Website and let me know what you think. It is looking like it will be a huge success.

Three day weekend here we come!

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