
I Can Hear You Now
I have been sick... I missed a day of work last week which is very rare for me... I don't miss work for being sick very often. It put me behind on work, and not to mention just in a bad mood. Mostly moody from being sick, but also because of the frustration over not being able to get my work done. I am still sick and trying to rest... not fun.

Some of my old readers might remember the trouble I had with Verizon when living out in Oregon... in short they were a pain and I decided I hate them forever. Lately my phone has been acting weird and needless to say I was not looking forward to trying to working with Verizon to fix it. On Friday I was in Jackson at the mall and stopped at a Kiosk to see if they could help... the girl was incompetent and had terrible custom service. I was not surprised...

Saturday was a fun trip to Royal Oak. Heather was going for a hair cut and hangout with her friends and I tagged along. I like that area and have always enjoyed my trips out there, and the CMU crew is fun. Well as we walked into a store I saw a real Verizon store... so I said why not and I stopped in. After I described the issues with my phone the guy said, "Okay, I'll get you another phone." I was shocked... no fight... no telling me no... no bad service... I actually got smiles, and what I wanted... good service. So now I have a new phone and hopefully this one will last me longer then my last one. For once, thank you Verizon.

Sunday I got to catch up on life... washed clothes, cleaned my apartment, went to Autozone, and did some shopping. It was a good day of catching up and just trying to relax and get better for the week.

Monday... well it was Heather's Birthday and I decided to do something I have not done in a long time. I cooked a full meal. I made Spanish rice, and black beans with chicken fajitas. It was fun cooking and cutting peppers and onions... mixing ingredients, marinating meat... I need to cook more! So included in my gifts was the gift of some Old Sam... the Old Sam who cooked. Happy Birthday Heather! 26 will be a ton of fun.

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