
Well it finally happened... the thing that would push me over the top and want to leave Albion. I can put up with a town with only two good places to eat, where everyone knows your business, that doesn't have anything open 24/7 (except McDs), and that doesn't have a good shop that I trust to take my car to... so what has pushed me over the edge?

I went to Grand Rapids this weekend... which reminded why I like living in a city with nightlife, culture, great food, lots of friends, different places to visit, not one but two malls and a TJ Max. Its great! Hermen was in town, I took him, Erin and Heather to San Chez for awesome Tapas... we went to a costume party... good times!

On Sunday morning I get a voicemail from Albion College Campus Safety and an email... my car got broken into over the weekend. They were not sure on the extent of the damage or theft since they didn't know what I had in the car. I got back to Albion and sure enough... they took everything! Well except my burned CDs and cheap sunglasses. They took my faceplate and my speakers, which during dinner tonight I did a rough estimate and total damages are going to easily be over $1000. Man I hope my insurance covers some of this... I am so mad.

My broken window... glass everywhere!

My empty trunk... many of you will remember all the posts of my car work on getting my system set up just the way I liked it.

Here is the real burn. Above my car... is a security camera... my car is parked 25 feet from the main entrance to a well lit building... guess what? Good lord... they broke out my side window and there is glass all over the place! They ripped all the wires in my trunk connected to my speaker system. What sucks the most is... knowing that someone targeted my car. Someone must of seen me around town, with a nice radio and figured they could take my stuff. Well they took my stuff... and there is nothing I can do about it. Why can't I do anything about it... cause that freaking security camera does not work. Booya!

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