
2007 Holidays
When it comes to the winter Holidays the Centellas family has always had some quirks and things that made us different. I know Heather would always laugh cause we would pick a date for "Centellas Family Christmas" usually a few days before or after the actual date. With Andres in DE and Miguel in PA and my parents on the bottom half of the globe this year there was no Centellas Family Christmas Spectacular. My mom was very sad about it, but it of course is the not the first time the family was not all together during the holidays. In 2003 Miguel and I were in Bolivia, 2004 my parents were in Bolivia on a mission trip, in 2005 I was in Chicago... so we rarely are all together for the holiday and I for one am okay with the fact that we just called each other and mailed gifts. I mean the season is about more then just having dinner together as a family and opening presents... its about love and peace and goodwill on Earth right? And we can do that on different corners of the country or even world.

So what all exactly did happen for my winter holidays? Lets do the usually travel recap.

Well for my avid readers my surgery went well. I recovered much faster then I was supposed to which was good. I still had cabin fever as I didn't leave my house for over a week. I was clearly stir crazy, and while the vicodin helped me nap away my boredom I still felt trapped. Heather was a very gracious nurse and took excellent care of me so I had that to be thankful for this holiday season.

The weekend before Christmas I had Novali. Heather drove to meet Tamara and Syed and brought Novi to Albion. We had a fun weekend together and I finally left the house! We did a ton of shopping and Novali as always was hilarious with her antics as we shopped for everyone. I won't recap everything here in the blog, but please check out the pics from her Christmas with Papi in Michigan. Novi's Pics

Sunday we open presents and then took Novali and met with Tamara and Syed. Heather and I relaxed that night and prepared for a trip to her hometown, lovely Bad Axe, MI. Monday morning we went up there and spent much time driving to see her family in Flint, and meet up with Raquel and friends of ours in Saginaw.

Christmas Day we went to Flint to visit Heather's family, but before hand we swung by and saw Raquel and Dennis and the girls. Ayanna now is walking around and Valerie is funnier then ever. We opened a few gifts and then called my parents. Everyone including Valerie talked to them and wished everyone a Merry Christmas. I talked to both my Brothers as well and the Centellas family though miles apart celebrated a Merry Christmas together. Then it was off to Flint to make some rounds with Heather's family and that as always was a lot of fun.

The rest of the week include driving from here to there... to Saginaw, to Ann Arbor, to Detroit, to Bay City... it was a whirlwind of visits with friends and family and enjoying out time off. I got over to Sterling Heights to visit Hermen, to Grosse Point for the Baker Family Xmas (my friend Megan), to Saginaw for shopping and visits with friends and sushi with Raquel and Ayanna. It was a great time!

For New Years Heather has the wedding of a friend we are attending. I am interested to see how a New Years wedding goes, looking forward to the excitement. I think its a novel idea. Then it will be back home and back to work for us... BOO.

Well that was my holiday in a nutshell... my parents arrive in three weeks and more winter fun is on its way! ciao.

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