
Today (er this Month) is a day of milestones.

June 11th, 1985 my little sister was born. We were fresh American immigrants, my mom came over pregnant and my dad didn't speak English. It was interesting this last weekend to hear my mom tell Heather the story of being in the hospital giving birth to Kelly... they had no money, no health insurance, but they managed and made it through without $5 aspirin or $6 box of tissues. The first American born of the Centellas clan. She has over come a lot and has two beautiful young girls who were extremely entertaining this past weekend.

June 2003 I started this little blog. WOW! I clearly don't blog like I used to... for example I still have not posted all the pictures from the visit in South Bend from Novali and Heather for Memorial Day weekend (coming soon I promise). I am trying to post at least twice a month so hold me to that folks!

June 2004 I was offered a job to work at the University of Oregon. Great pay and possibly the best professional development experience I could have asked for out of grad school. I turned it down, opting to stay closer to family, Heather, my friends, and of course Novali. I did go out there and worked for the summer in an interim role until the Albion job brought me back to Michigan. Well now I am the Director of Student Life, potentially starting classes again, and I am glad I made the right choice.

June 2007 I went to the doctor and weighed in at 212 pounds. I had been gaining weight since grad school and hadn't worked out in years. Well today... after work I ran 5 miles in 50 minutes. I usually try to run two miles twice a week, and I just got some small weights to lift at home while I watch TV and do work at home. I decided to push myself today and I also jumped on the scale afterwards. My gym scale said 191 pounds, not as good as the false hope my uncle Ed's scale gave me this weekend (188 pounds) but it does mean I have lost over 20 pounds in 12 months. Not bad.

June 2008 I was out in Baltimore for the second time in six months. This time to visit for my Brother Andy's graduation from University of Delaware with his MBA. Thats a big milestone. Also this month my older Brother Miguel moved to Baltimore to start a new tenure track teaching position at Mount Saint Union. To top that off, Kate my sister-in-law is getting her PhD. On my top of my parents visit this mouth... its clearly a busy time and we are less than half way through the month!

Well there are some of my recent milestones. Ciao.

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