
Big Updates
Well here are some well overdue updates...

June 2008 Pics
I blogged several times about my parents trip to the states in June. Well I finally got the pictures done. Some of the pictures are from my dad's camera and during times that I was not with them so noted them as best I could. Enjoy folks!
Click here > Pics

Its Official
After dating for a few years and lots of discussions about the future and planning what life would be like married... I made the big step and asked Heather to marry me. Novali approved and I even talked to her father about it so everything was legit. I know it was a long time coming and many people were wondering if it would ever happen... I knew it would happen and I just wanted it to be perfect and I think it was. I am excited as we now more officially beginning the planning stages of a wedding, buying a house (with a garage), moving in together, settling down and having kids! Wow... Novali is excited to be a big sister someday and this is going to be great.

Happy Couple.

Heaher and Novali all excited.

Lots of weekend activities including the pool.

We made Jello Jigglers, Ice Cream... always something to do in South Bend.
It was a fun weekend and I posted a few pics: 08 July Big News

Team PLP
This week I also took the plunge... for race tires. I found a killer deal on some used race tires that I could not pass up. The timing was perfect as earlier I was deciding whether I keep saving for race tires or get other modifications done to my car. Well I decided to keep saving for race tires, and then this deal came up so the timing was right. Hopefully for my July 20th race I will be ready with race tires and really put down some serious times. ALSO... this is cool, below is a video from my last race, it is of my best time and you can see in the sweeper my car on three wheels! I love it.

Well folks... I hope everyone is excited about the engagement and we will keep everyone posted on wedding planning. We are looking at 2009 so it will be coming up quick.

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