
I Hate Elections

I hate elections because at the end of the day people don't listen to each other.

I hate elections because I hate going and casting a vote knowing that no matter who I vote for things won't really change. I can vote on a property tax cap, but that just means sales taxes will get raised and parks will get closed cause the government won't actually learn to operate on less but give me less instead and still end up charging more. Did that sentence even make sense?

I hate elections because I hate knowing that people judge your intelligence on if you agree with them or not. What? I thought intelligence was defined as your ability to comprehend and learn from experiences. So why is me having a different opinion then yours make you: 1. Better than me. 2. Smarter than me. 3. More connected with reality than I am.

I hate elections because no matter the outcome everyone ends up mad. You either lost and are mad at people like me who aren't as smart as you and didn't vote the same way. Or you are mad because it took two years for you to win your seat back. Or you are mad because you should of won by more. Really?

You want to know what I really hate? No like really, really hate... You don't want to know but here it is anyways.

I hate elections because at the end of the day people don't listen to each other.

I hate elections because the winners assume that winning means that they don't have to listen to the losers views. The losers assume they have to do everything they can to undermine the winners chance of success in order for them to become winners next time around. So technically everyone loses and we do it all over again next time.

I hate elections for the simple fact that they divide people. They divide us into colors, regions, views, income brackets, and pit us against each other. So things like if you believe in a certain something, makes you vote against things that someone who believes something different brings up regardless of if that thing a good idea or not. I call it the Ex-factor. You hate your Ex, you hate your Ex so much that you hate things they like, if even you used (or still do)to like it you say you don't anymore.

I hate elections because they are about winning. They aren't about helping people, making things better, or improving the lives of our future children. They are about winning at all cost, saying anything (even if you don't mean it) and then doing a happy dance when you won (or a cartwheel I guess).

I do love when elections are over and I don't have to see the yard signs and and attack advertisements on TV. So to that I am thankful, but all the money spent on elections could of helped feed all the homeless in our area, put my daughter through college, and fixed the roads around here. Instead it was spent on electing someone who promises to do those things (but won't).

I hate elections because at the end of the day people don't listen to each other.

If you are wondering, yes I voted. If you want to know how it doesn't matter, it was my opinion on the issue.

I hate elections because I know you really want to know how I voted, because you want to judge me based on it. Did you listen to anything I wrote above?

I hate elections because at the end of the day people don't listen to each other.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Do you like elections when they are on my birthday?

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