
Dos Años Already?

Really wow... two years already? That seems like time has flown, but really we have been up to a whole lot of stuff in two years.

We have gotten settled into our home. Not sure settled is the term, cause for the most part we have been unsettled here... we have done three major projects in the house (boiler, windows, roof). There has been the cycle of painting rooms (3 done so far) and putting more and more stuff in storage in the basement.

The DeCourval/Centellas Bed and Breakfast (our home) has hosted a record breaking 13 people as overnight guests in one night, several Centellas family holidays and in two years maybe 100 room nights rented (for free mostly). We hosted friends and family from Indy, Chicago, Saginaw, Mississippi, Detroit, and of course Bad Axe, MI and other places around the country.

We got a new car... well new to us. So far the Element has done two road trips for us and done us proud. One to Chicago for our first Black Tie fundraising Gala, and one to my old stomping grounds in Gladwin, MI to see Pratt lake. Our new "family" vehicle can tow bikes, fit toys, stroller and our little family and get nearly 25 MPG. Take that OPEC!

Our little family has been traveling... just this spring we went to Iowa City, Bad Axe, Detroit, Chicago, Indianapolis, and this past weekend Gladwin, MI. Hopefully soon we will take our honeymoon trip to South America and complete our planned trip which was interrupted by the best part of this update...

When I say our little family it is already bigger. Novali is ten now and while her sassiness can be at an all time high she is a ton of fun. She is swimming now and very independent (making her own breakfast as I type this) and is most importantly a great big sister.... yep, we have a baby. What? The best part of our anniversary is that we have a growing little family.

Yeah instead of a honeymoon that we postponed when life would be less busy (not sure when that will happen) we spent it shopping for strollers and cribs. Instead of painting and decorating our room we painted a beautiful little baby room (I hate when people call it a nursery, likes it is a baby factory or something).

In our short Dos Años we welcomed little Cruz Centellas into our house and it has been great. Mornings are a little more hectic, nights are a little less sleep filled, and meals are always a little more rushed... but man has bath time been more fun, the camera never been so busy, and our house just a constant stream of something new and potential youtube videos.
Happy Anniversary Babe. If all this happened in two years... think what the next dos might bring us!

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