
Midnight Snack

This weekend was a lot of fun, but also a time that Mr. Cruz showed us more of his personality. He showed me a whole lot of Centellas this weekend so I thought I would recap.

Saturday we went to the mall... at the mall while in the kids play area he wanted to 1.) sit in the blue race car and 2.) chase girls all over. In the rest of the mall he enjoyed people watching and starred at everyone walking by us.
Later on that evening I cooked rice, not as good as my moms of course, but not too bad. It went along with some nice steaks that Heather got us. Yum... well Cruz showed his Centellas roots and smashed almost two bowls of rice! Which took a while with his tiny spoon, but he loved it.

Sunday Cruz enjoyed some yard work with me... well he was in his intellitainer... but he loved being outside and "helping" me do yard work. By helping I mean jumping up and down excited every time something made a loud noise. He wasn't happy that he didn't get to eat all the leaves though... maybe next year he can actually help me. I can teach him how zen doing yard work can be...

Sunday night he pulled out all the stops... he woke up at 11:30PM... hungry. He wouldn't go back to sleep so I took him downstairs and fed him. He destroyed two bowls of cereal, and then knocked out for the night. He needed a midnight snack...

For those who know my house growing up... an important family time was the midnight snack... and if you got there late... no left over ribs for you. During the day at the house we plan, oh save that for tonight...

So hopefully Cruz keeps that up, I will for sure be looking forward to midnight talks when he grows up over a plate of left over ribs, with a side of rice.

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