
Man Cave Christmas

The never ending saga of where to put kids toys is something I am sure alll parents struggle with at home. As soon as we clear out a space, he has it filled with more toys (grandparents love spoiling). A couple weeks ago Heather cleared out when of our built in cabinets below our TV. We stored a bunch of his boxes of toys and bigger items that fit in there.

Well true to form... Cruz went over, pulled everything out of it, and sat in side of it. He also liked closing the doors and sitting inside the cabinet in the dark. Heather called it his man cave... and then Novali had the idea that we needed to make it "more comfortable" for him. Well that turned into her Christmas present for her brother, she wanted to pimp out his man cave.

So Novali and made it our task to find things for his cave. We discussed wall paper, new flooring, installing lights in there... you know all the essentials that a man cave would need.

First thing we did was to prevent finger pinching we installed some handles on the inside of the cabinet doors. We re-used some old handles from our old windows I luckily saved this summer. We polished them and Novali used the power drill to install them (she is getting very handy).

So we cleaned the room up and did some upgrades. Novali wanted to tuck the cable line up in there so we hammered some clips in and then we fixed the cabinet hardware. Once it was all fixed up, we went shopping...

Novali is very creative... and thought of doing a stripe in his room and using duct tape (she loves duct tape). She picked a fun tie-dye duct tape and then picked fun colors items to go in his man cave. She picked a shaggy purple rug and a fun orange/red pillow for him. We added a little LED light in the ceiling and VOILA... New Man Cave for Christmas.
For more pictures
please check out her
website at: Novali

Merry Christmas Cruz!

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