
Mountain Out of a Breezeway

About a month ago Heather said, "Lets paint the breezeway"... unwittingly I said okay. I assumed that meant we paint the walls, redecorate it a little, new basket for Cruz's crap, hook for Novali to hang an umbrella for when she walks to the Library...

Then my OCD perfectionist eye and Heather's uncanny ability to not make firm decisions took over and it was a cocktail of Menards spending and elbow grease not seen since we did Cruz's room nearly three years ago (wow, time flies). 

Well it was boring, like most of the house when we bought it there was a fresh white wash on the walls. Which while not exciting, was clean and didn't put us in a rush to paint. I sometimes wish the house had been weird colors that forced a quick rehab of the walls. It had a dull green floor, which over five years had chipped. I threw up a quick kitchen rack to hold our junk, and we used some existing hooks and I added a few for hanging items.
Well... one thing led to another as is often the case. The colors we bought didn't match, back to the store. The floor during prep completed peeled... five layers of paint later and a worn away wire brush... floor was ready. When prepping doors the trim started coming apart... so decided to replace it... our breezeway door, a custom arched window pane door needed more work that I could do... so a couple simple repairs for now should hold for a couple years until I can build a new custom one. WHEW...

Heather wanted shelves and a bench... I took the chance for us to make something custom real pine stuff instead of cheap laminate. Novali and I made a fun project out of it!
Blog: Daddy Daughter DIY Bench

Well here it is... this past weekend Heather finished picking items to finish the project. The colors turned out well and it's more fun than white on white on green. Novali had fun on the bench. Heather didn't have fun getting hassled by me... and technically she isn't "done" decorating, but I am wrapping up my part and considering it done.
Now we have a more welcoming entrance (we don't use our front door) to our home and Cruz loves the bench he calls "Nini Bench". He sits on it most mornings before running and jumping into "Papi Truck" to head off for his busy day.

These are just a few photos, more are posted on Facebook HERE.

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