
The UnGlamorous Traveler

So many people love traveling, many people hate traveling, many people have no idea the life of someone who does a lot of traveling. So let me fill you in on my last four days...

Late night work on projects.
Wednesday Night: I worked a full day, had class and then drove late in the evening to Indianapolis. I had a 7AM Flight from IND. I got into my hotel late, did some late night work on my presentation for Thursday and got to bed.

Thursday Morning: got up at 5AM, drove to IND in the pouring rain. Checked in for flight, got through security, went to my gate... DELAY. It was storming and lightning. I was flying to Lynchburg, VA, through Charlotte (CLT) to speak Thursday night at Virginia Tech. The delay backed me up into missing my connection, so I was able to just fly in and out of Charlotte. Good on flights, but I had to quickly switch hotels and car rental... re-plan my times for driving to Blacksburg... AH.

Landed in Charlotte at 9AM. I had quickly booked a Double Tree that morning, and on arrival called and asked about early check in, they said they would try. I arrive at the hotel at 10AM, first on the check in list and worked in the business center. Long story short, I needed to leave by 2PM for Blackburg... after waiting, and asking, and waiting, and watching her check other people in... I finally at 2PM canceled my room for that night, and shaved and got dressed in the hotel bathroom and left... APPALLED. The classy life of someone on a schedule.

Love when Greeks represent
at my workshops!
I drove three hours to Blacksburg, ate lunch in the car, arrived, worked with some amazing staff and students and presented my "Abuelitas Hands" lecture. Got great reviews and a line of students to speak with me afterwards and then dinner with the event planners.

More info on my Presentation: My Virginia Experience

Thursday Night: Left Blacksburg at about 10PM for my 3 hour drive home... got pulled over on my way back (ticket!). On my drive made calls around CLT for a hotel for a few hours before my early morning Friday flight and do it all over again.

Friday morning: Up at 5:30AM. Returned rental car, got through security, got to gate.... luckily everything on time. Arri ve in Indy and have just two hours before my luncheon with Indiana Latino Institute with Governor Pence. So, changed from traveling clothes into my suit in the back of my Element. Parked at JW Marriot, had lunch, networked, and wrapped up to drive 3 hours back home.

Mary Peterson mingling with
Brothers at our reception.
Saturday: Breakfast with Heather, got errands done and organized around the house. It was busy morning with Cruz... went to the library, got Cruz a hair cut and went to Memorial Health Works (kid museum). Then at 3PM drove to Chicago, arrived early so had dinner by myself while cheering for the Irish on TV.

Saturday Night: Served as host for our Fraternity Foundation Reception and have a great time connecting with Brothers I haven't seen in a while and meeting new Brothers. Left at 11PM my time to drive home... about 10 miles from home, get a flat tire going through typical Indiana construction! Its 1:30AM, and I take off my dress shirt, and get to work and in about 10 minutes got the spare tire on and got home before 2AM. AH....

Flat tire...
Sunday: Got to sleep in, which was very nice... and then took Cruz with me to La Casa to get a couple things picked up, and after his nap... last program. A reception for the Good Sheppard Montessori School to help raise support for the new Olga Larimer Scholarship to help a La Casa student attend the school for free... very great program! More good networking, and then... my four days of busy was done...

So four programs, four days, four cities (Blacksburg, Indianapolis, Chicago, South Bend) in three states. Not luxurious, nothing fancy, but all important parts of my positions as we develop networks for supporting La Casa and my fraternity.

Whew... now no traveling for two weeks!

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