
My Latino Introduction

This semester I will be posting and writing more about Latino related items, mostly because I am going on a journey with my Latino Studies students at IUPUI. This week we started class with introductions of course, and then discussed Latino vs Hispanic and started in on stereotypes. It got me thinking about how my introductions usually go...

My typical introduction when someone asks if I am Latino... 

Yes I am Latino
No I am not Mexican
Yes I am an Immigrant
No I have a passport
Yes I was bitten by a monkey
No I was not born in a jungle
Yes I speak Spanish
No I am not Colombian
Yes I like tacos
No we don't eat tacos in Bolivia
Yes I learned English when I was 7
No I don't have an accent
Yes I play soccer 
No I don't like spicy food
Yes I can dance salsa
No I can't teach you, I'm not that good
Yes I get sunburns
No I was born an American
Yes my mom has red hair
No I've never been to Colombia

So you can image the types of things I would be asked growing up and imagine the other side of that introduction. Yes I hate being called Colombian, is it the only South American country people know? 

Me in Bolivia in 2003
I think we all struggle with identity growing up, always wanting to be something else, taller, bigger, stronger, blonder, smarter, faster... and while this class isn't about identity we can't ignore how it shapes the community, how others view each other and how integration happens (or doesn't) because of these perceptions of others and more importantly of ourselves. 

I wouldn't trade being a Bi-racial English as a Second Language Bolivian American Immigrant Michigander for anything in the world. I couldn't make Hoosier fit in that sentence, so lets tack that on there now as well. 

I am enjoying this class already, no major papers to grade yet so ask how I feel about it all later, but for now really enjoying the experience so far! 

And no, I am not Colombian... 

1 comment:

HeatherD said...

Have you ever been bitten by a monkey?

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