
For my Mothers out there!

I was reflecting, on how great of a mom I have, and how great D is as a mom, and how blessed I am to have such a great relationship with Tamara. I am a blessed man, my children and I are lucky as can be, and I wish I could do more to honor all of them in the way they deserve.

I tried this week to tell all the moms in my life an early Happy Mother's Day. From the mothers that I work with, to my friends that are great moms. There are so many jobs that women hold in our lives, from friend to partner, and from student to CEO, and sister to mother... so many roles and maybe more importantly so many expectations.

I also try to think this week of those without mothers... for my mom, we recently lost grandma Millie, and this is her first Mother's Day without her mom. A special shout out to my friends who have struggled to become moms, or maybe to those who can't be moms or chose not to be and have to face all the pressure society puts on women to be moms.

As usual my kids made some art projects at school for moms. Mari already broke what she made, Cruz just finished coloring his, and I have to remember where I hid our present to mom. I think I remember now... later we will try to plant flowers. That is a tradition of something we always did for my mom growing up and that my kids continue to do to honor their mom. Its a fun way, and good timing (except through the rain this weekend) for new spring flowers.

This year I will try to be better and make sure the moms in my life know how great they are all year round. That they are perfect, and don't have to try to be more, or like another mom. I am blessed, I couldn't be more blessed if I wanted to be, and I think we all need to remember to tell the moms in our lives that more often. I will try this year.

Well.. on to regularly scheduled Mother's Day programming... taking D to brunch and give her presents from the kids and gotta Facetime my mama.

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