
Giving Thanks!

Thanksgiving. Traditions and family rituals often times just get reproduced with little thought, and slowly over time merge and change. I was thinking this year, in wake of all the talks of immigration, caravans, asylum, welcoming the stranger and building a wall… I got to thinking about the original story of Thanksgiving that I was told.

The pilgrims (AKA Immigrants) came to this continent and suffered. The native population not only welcomed them, but helped them, taught them to plant corn and prepared them for life in this new land. The pilgrims were thankful, thankful for generosity, thankful for the friendship, thankful for their future.

I want to shout out all my friends that I am thankful for… don’t worry friends, those of you that I am thankful for, I won’t force you off your lands and enslave you.

This was a milestone year. I turned 40. I lost 50 pounds. I did a FASFA app for my child. We buried my last grandparent. There were lots of personal and professional projects, some challenges, but a great year to find focus and toward the future.

I want to thank everyone who assisted and supported me this year. Friends that checked in on how I am doing, reminded me that I am not alone. For colleagues who supported my work, challenged me to do more, from my team to La Casa, to IUSB friends, to all my current and past OutSight clients. We spend a large amount of time at work, so supportive structures there are important. To my family that love me no matter what, that supported my drive to a healthier life, that picked me up when I was down, thank you.

Any one of you reading this fits into one of those categories… my family isn’t just blood, it is my fraternity, my close friends that feel like family… GRACIAS. My work folks aren’t just at La Casa, they are on local boards, city committees, etc. and of course just all my friends. It’s nice knowing I can go anywhere in town and see a friend, say hi, chat, and connect.

Thank you everyone. I am mega thankful for a fantastic year. Thankful for friends. Thankful for my health, my family, my kids, and just in general my life. It’s not perfect, but man it is pretty fantastic.


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