
No Endorsements. Plenty of Advice

Well South Bend is in full campaign season... lots of people running which in the end is a good thing. In the short-term though it will be tense, will get contentious, and the person with the most votes will win.

Let me make a few general statements on my role during elections and campaigns.

I do not endorse candidates. NONE. 
Yes there are people I like, people I don't like. Some of the people I like, I will vote for, some of the people who I don't like, I might vote for, and some candidates that I consider friends... won't get my vote, or my endorsement. Like I said, I don't do endorsements. I do so for a couple reasons, mostly though as the head of a community organization it isn't my role to get involved in politics and elections aside from helping people be informed, registered, and to cast their vote.

I will meet with any candidate. ANY. 
Yep, any candidate that asks for some of my time, I will do my best to find a time to meet with them. When we meet, I won't let them buy my meal, and I won't buy theirs, its a mutual and even meeting. I will answer their questions about the community I serve, give them my personal opinions and talk about what is important to my community.

I do attend candidate events. WHEN I CAN.
Yes I will attend some events, usually based on my schedule or timing, not because of an endorsement or event that I find more important. I am a voter, and I am a community member, and I am also listening and learning and deciding how I want to vote.

I like a lot of things on Facebook. LIKES AREN'T ENDORSEMENTS. 
I generally avoid liking campaign pages, or fundraising events. I like both local political parties on Facebook. I follow a lot of groups, both left and right leaning pages. Those who know me know I am a non-traditional voter, plus I am not endorsing anyone (I mentioned that already right?).

I have friends in politics. NOT ENDORSING FRIENDS.
I am friends with a lot of candidates, both on social media and in real life. So I might like their pictures, doesn't mean I am endorsing them, might not even mean I am voting for them. It doesn't matter what party, what part of town, what culture or views on policy... no endorsements.

I am not sure if La Casa de Amistad will make a formal statement before the local primary. We are always in a hard spot as candidates want to engage our community, and we want our community to get involved, but we won't make endorsements. I wanted to put this out to be clear on my role.

Finally, remember there is a difference between the right person winning, who you think should win, and who actually gets the votes and... wins. Good luck to all.

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