
Quarantine Reflection: Efficiency

This quarantine has me spending time thinking about the things I am good at, and the things I am not as good at... It also has be stretched thin on time, and so I figured I would blog about one thing I know that sets me apart... I am efficient.

It is one of the things I joke with people about when people ask what is one of the traits that I think is best for a leader. It is above all the flashy things people mention... being efficient. There is a lot to do in a day, and people always think about ways to prioritize, or multitask or whatever... but sometimes it is just planning your day and time well and being efficient.

I quote all the time a lesson I got at my first real job, at Denny's, from another table busser and dishwasher. He told me, never go anywhere, without looking for something where you are, that belongs where you are going. I think about that all the time and it drives me desire to be efficient all the time. It's how I can get more done in a day, and it takes planning ahead, but it works.

During quarantine this has become increasingly important. I have more demands, working full time (plus), trying to home school kids, make meals, answer calls, volunteer commitments, boards... it is a lot. Lot's of people think I get my efficiency from being an engineer, but really I credit that old busboy for the advice.

For example, the other week the comforters needed to get washed, so that meant a trip to the laundry mat. So I looked up the location's hours, maps around it, and figured... I can get my morning work out in while I do the comforters.

I went to the laundry mat and started the wash. I planned a 2 mile loop while stuff washed. I got back right on time, paused my workout, got the comforters into a dryer and then went for a second lap around while things dried. Finished my 4.25 mile run, grabbed the dry laundry and headed home to start the rest of my day.

Lot's of people think getting lots of things done, being a leader, completing projects, or whatever they see "busy" people doing takes skills they don't have... anyone can be efficient! It just takes focus and planning, and during this time we all need to feel accomplished at the end of a day.

We are all in this together, let's all help each other, here I am sharing one of my things I am good at, and my tip to help accomplish more, be efficient.

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