It goes without saying that 2020 was already off to an interesting start, and then now the middle is for sure not getting much better. This quarantine has brought out the best, and the worst in all of us, but reminded us why family is so important.
Normally I don't get to see my mom, she is in Florida, then my mother-in-law is in AZ and it's normally a weekend we spend treating D to some of her favorite things around town. Luckily in quarantine most of our plans were not thwarted so that is good... Cruz bought flowers (and we planted some yesterday), Mari made some art, and N made eggs Benedict and the kids helped with pancakes and did breakfast in bed with her to kick off the day. Let's see how the rest of the day goes, Facetime with my mom coming up soon!
I of course want to shout out the moms in my life, starting with my mom. She is in Florida now and hunkered down trying to wait this quarantine out. My siblings and I all know that Bev is the strongest woman out there... not only did she raise us four kids (and we fortunately all turned out alright) but she did a ton in her life. From surviving polio, to moving to new continents (several times), to fighting off cancer, to of course raising us crazy four kids. My mom was a school teacher, and now that we are home schooling our kids, I respect teachers even more! Love you mom!
Next up is always D and man this quarantine life has been rough! We are both working from home, we have three kids doing distance learning, and wow, it is a lot. We normally venture out for a nice meal on Mother's Day, the kids behave and we try to surprise her a few times. It's harder to plan surprises all in the same hour 24/7 and of course since we can't eat out, we planned to cook some of her favorite things here at the house...
I can't leave Tamara off my list, this year started with a jolt for her, but as usual she handles challenges well. We have luckily parented a pretty special kid, N turned out well and just finished her freshman year of college. Wow Tamara, we have a college sophomore! Where did the time go? Thank you for the partnership and for being a great mom to N of course, but also to Jacob. Hope you all have a great day.
To all the moms I know, my sister Raquel of course, and my mother in law, and my two sister in laws, man so many good moms out there that I know. Thank you to all of you for the sacrifices you make, lunches you make, schedules you keep, and crazy errands to take care of your family.
I also want to give a shout out to all the moms out there, but also to everyone who lost a mom. Whether you lost your mom this year, like my best fraternity Brother Victor, recently like my mom that we lost grandma (Lessons from grandma Millie) just a few years ago, but to all my friends that are missing their mom today. I luckily have mine, and lots of other great moms in my life, you are in my thoughts as you miss yours. I know for some today is a celebration, but for others it brings sadness and I am thinking about you all as well.
Alrighty everyone... enjoy today, whatever it might be, whatever it might bring, whatever you might be able to do today.
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