I used to be a car guy, yeah I say used to be because I would have considered it a big part of my time. While lately the only time I spend on cars is ogling them online or when they pass me on the street. It is one of those things that when I get asked what I do for fun, or my hobbies, I have to stop and think about it cause I just don't do much with it (or any hobby) anymore, and that has to change!
I am not sure where exactly my love for cars started. I know one big thing was my grandpa owned a garage in Saginaw, Coates Tire, and I loved visiting the shop. When I first moved to the US I lived with my grandparents and learned about his work and I thought being a mechanic would be so cool. Growing up in Michigan car culture was everywhere and I have fond memories of going with my dad to the Detroit Autoshow and all the great random drive ins, car shows and just seeing cool cars around town. Saginaw was a big GM town and so lots of collectors and GM muscle cars.
The past few years with crazy work schedules, still traveling and consulting a bit, and of course the kids, hobby time has been on hold. Plus on top of that my Datsun 280z has been out of commission so made driving for fun farther out of reach. That is one thing I realized in quarantine that I wanted to fix. I want to get back into car stuff. So ramped up work on the Z and I she is running and I should have her back from the shop soon. Then I can start to tinker on her, maybe some body work, finish the interior, etc.
I was looking for other ways besides just working on my car that I can get into the hobby. I remember at a car show I found some Datsun Hot Wheels that I scored... and since then once in a while would score one if I saw it on a peg at a store. Well I went down the rabbit hole during quarantine... Since I can't get to racing (season postponed and my car is still down) I started looked at Hot Wheels. I first wanted to get some more Zs, then other Datsun models, then some Nissan's and of course a GTR/Skyline or two... and it worked out timing wise as I was in the middle of a little reno our main basement room and planned a little car theme... so did some Hot Wheels decoration pieces... Put my new collection to work right away.
I didn't realize how good it can be though to change gears in my mind. To just turn off work, turn off work related Facebook posts, turn off stress (well try to), and search for cool Hot Wheels after the kids go to bed. To make a quick Meijer run to check out any new stuff... and what better hobby than things that usually cost $1 or $5 (mich cheaper than parts for my Z!).
I scored a few fun things, I will try not to turn into that guy chasing down delivery trucks to get first dibs on new cars... time will tell. For now I have a cool little display of some of my favorite cars. I also was surprised that the kids, all three, got into it. Mari loves open wheel Indy style cars, Cruz loves all the exotics (Lambos, Ferraris, and I got to find him a Bugatti) of course Corvettes and Mustangs. Novali remember a Blues Clues matchbox car I gave her when she was little (I am going to see if I can track one down for her...). I got some multi-car packs and I pull the ones I want and they all pick the rest. It was a fun Sunday afternoon last week watching them take turns picking the next car they wanted.
Pictures of my finished basement room, and Hobby Time Part 2 (and maybe 3) posts, and info on my Hot Wheels display area coming soon...
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