
New Year, New You, New Owe

Often New Years resolutions are about what you plan to do, for you. What you will do to improve your life, how you will live your life differently, to make things better, for you. Stop drinking, start lifting, quit junk food, lose weight, get a promotion, run farther, let your nails grow, etc. 

After what we survived in 2020, the new world we enter in 2021, and the new person you have become through this year... remember you are already a new person. So the question is I guess, who do you owe? 

I think about my mom. Polio survivor, cancer fighter, moved from one continent to another multiple times... those moves weren’t for her, they were for others. One of the moves to ensure we had a better life, couple to be closer to my grandparents/abuelita to help them have a better life, one to be closer to her grandkids... I owe her. So many family members that came before us, molded us, encouraged us, pushed us... I will do like my parents did, I owe them that.  

I think about my kids. My kids didn’t pick this life, they don
’t know anything other than what we provide for them. Is it enough, is it too little, is it just right... I don’t know, but I do know I owe them to be what they need, I owe them my best. I think about all the times people ask my motivation to get healthier, and yeah I joke that it’s to get abs, but honestly it was for them. To be here to be healthier and be around, for them, I owe them that. 

I think about my work. Over seven years ago I was hired, and told the dream of La Casa was to grow. I said in my interview I would do all I could to help us grow. They asked me to lead it, I agreed, and I owe them to give it all I got, cause I said I would, I owe them that. 

I think about all the people who suffered in 2020. I know most of us had set backs, but many lost a mother, a job, a friend, a dream... We all owe it to them to give our best this year, to move forward without regret, to love without fear, to push with all we can this year, we owe them that. 

My long time readers know that I don't make NYE Resolutions (Blog: No Resolution, but Lots of Resolve). So what does this all mean? As usual, I have no idea, but I wanted to throw these ideas down, maybe they help you. Who do you owe? Why do you work hard? What motivation can you find, outside of yourself to keep moving? May all those things remind you, and remind me, why I focus, why I work hard for those I owe. 

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