
The Empty Corner

We usually take the tree down after Jan 6th (Three Kings Day) which was a tradition growing up. We have yet to rearrange other furniture and get things back to pre-holiday arrangement. So there is an empty corner where holiday cheer used to be in the house. 

This year was an interesting year for traditions. By interesting I mean, everything changed. Maybe cause of pandemic, maybe cause of timing and life in general, or maybe cause it's time?

I never posted photos of the tree going up. I did a few shots from the same spot, of the tree getting built. Then ribbon and lights, then ornaments, then the skirt and eventually gifts. Usually it was a process with all three kids, hot chocolate, music and setting up the mantle. This year we couldn't work out time for NovalĂ­ to be here to help, uncertainty around holiday travel, and all the life changes... it didn't feel the same, and I ended up not posting any photos of the process. It was my first hinkling of, and why was I hesitant to post, my thoughts around the desire for perfection, and cause it wasn't perfect (Perfect Picture Blog)? 

Now I am just posting a picture of an empty corner, so whats up with that? Well I guess I will include some pictures of the tree as well when it was up. (Enjoy this GIF I made)

I don't know where I am going with this, except the notion of not what is missing from that corner, but what the possibilities are for the corner. Maybe it goes back to be the area for kids art and school supplies. Maybe it stays empty, or I move my coat tree there, or maybe we paint that room and then rearrange it all... who knows. 

I guess in general I have always been an optimist, always looked at the positive, always knew there was light at the end of the tunnel. I think pandemic, career change, family, stress... everything is trying to make me see an empty corner. Trying to make me focus on what isn't perfect about it, what I wish it could be, or even just on what used to be there... 

As someone who generally tries to create change through my work, I find it interesting that now I am personally resistant to change. So it's also a lesson right back at me about how and why change is so hard. 

I see you empty corner, and I raise you unlimited options, and/or just the option to stay the same, and that everything is going to be alright. 

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