
Cocoa Bombs, Cartwheels, and Cartoons

My favorite thing so far in 2022 is that I am home nearly every day when the kids get home from school. This year neither of their schools had programming afterwards so they are taking the bus home. The bus drops them off on our block which is nice, and while the kids can get in on their own, I love being here with them. 

On winter days we made hot cocoa bombs and read a little before watching Ninjago (or other cartoons). These nice spring days they get to play outside before dinner. I often have the time free to hangout, which is fun. Other days I am on Zoom calls keeping tabs on them, saying "Yes/No" to requests for snacks and candy, and reminding them of chores and dishes. 

I love asking them how their day went, even though the answer 99% of the time is "boring" or "the same", it is great greeting them. I come up with new questions to ask to try and get more details from their day. I help them keep their schedule, piano lessons on Wednesdays, Cruz has tutoring at 4PM, Mari doing her reading log, basketball, gymnastics. etc... 

So what's this blog about? What is so special about cocoa bombs and Ninjago? 

For too many years I missed those times... for my oldest she lived with her mom, so I missed the daily lunch horror stories, checking recess injuries, signing school forms... for C and M, aside from during the pandemic, I worked events many nights and I missed most those convos.  The pandemic, and working from home, made me realize how much I was missing out on with the kids. 

Today they did cartwheels while I was on a zoom call. What I get for taking away iPads, but they always get creative, sometimes together, sometimes separately, but we mix it up and break up the week with fun and activities. 

My kids will only be young once, and someday won't want to make cocoa bombs or watch cartoons with their old man... Someday I wont be able to do cartwheels with them... So I am loving this year, and will work to keep my schedule like this as often as possible. 

Now as the weather gets warmer, it might be less cocoa bombs or Ninjago... and while redundant, I just can't wait for the daily interviews on how was lunch, how was your day, and the dreaded, what do you want for dinner conversation... 

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