
Working in Greek Life has a lot of ups and downs and sometimes I need a boost. Sometimes I get jaded with the direction of Greek Life, its often misguided representations of what the groups are really supposed to be about bring me down. The deep focus on the "social" side of Greek Life, but failing to realize that we are societal organizations designed to better society, our membership and the community. Issues like hazing, alcohol abuse, drug problems, gender stereotype reinforcement, etc. All issues that often times Greeks do not spend time fighting, and the things that as a Greek Advisor you push the groups to do.

But then... you have a week when things go really well, and I am glad they happen right when I need them to. Last night the Albion College Sigma Nu Chapter (Gamma Gamma) held their annual Charity Classic. It is a basketball game with another fraternity. They sell ads in their booklet, and sell T-shirts and tickets to the game. This year they were raising money for the local public school nurses program. To help ensure the school continues to have a nurse, and that the school can buy the needed supplies. I was very impressed to see that at half time the men presented the school nurse with a check for $10,800. Wow. I almost did not have words for that, what an amazing gesture, what an amazing act. Those group of men helped continue the nurse program for over 2000 kids in that school system...

Then on my SLB list serve there was a debate on hazing and membership education. I was surprised to see the out pouring of Brothers with their strong anti-hazing stance. In the past few Brothers made the stance and supported driving hazing out of SLB. In one of the debates a Texas Brother quoted me.... I end any debate with a Brother saying, "We may not agree on this, but lets agree that we both love SLB." He quoted me and that felt awesome. I am glad that statement is settling in with some Brothers. It is true, just cause we have different views on where the fraternity is going does not mean we don't love it any more or any less. I have debated a lot of issues between myself and some Brothers. Unfortunately some people can not see past a disagreement and it creates unneeded future tension.

So it was a good week that ended with a Beta Party at MSU. I have not been out with the guys in a long time. Most of Epsilon was there... Rey, Vic, Ish, Steve, Raul, Sammy, Rudy, and even Geo! Of course GVSU was deep in there plus interests, and I chatted it up with a bunch of Brothers I have not seen in a long time. I left early to get home since today I am off to Chicago!

It is April 23rd and it is snowing. I guess it is what we deserve for those 85 degree days we spent out on the quad earlier this week. Eitherway I hope it goes away soon, we have our Less Then Jake concert at school on Monday and we want it to be nice. Off to see Novi, have a good weekend everyone!


Its Spring!
Yes it is a great time of year. You pack away the sweaters (did that last night), go through your closet and take out all the stuffy winter clothes and get all the short sleeve stuff out (did that last night to). The warm sun makes you want to get out of bed in the morning (even though today I slept in...), and a nice walk around the quad after lunch is always what the doctor ordered. Hooking up the hose so I can wash my car, and buying new car care items for my patented "Love Your Car Days" just makes me smile. Planning a wine tasting trip up to Traverse Bay for my favorite Chateau Grand Traverse as a well deserved weekend get away. Doing a roadtrip to Philly to visit Andy and I don't have to worry about weather. Ice cream cones filled with Butter Pecan and wearing my flip flops. So glad spring is here.

However there are the bad parts of spring... runny nose and sneezing from my allergies. The fact that I need to start mowing my law again. Hating being indoors in my office all day (good thing I got a corner office with huge windows). Wanting to do nothing but work on my car (I need to fix the NX, and put all my Audio into the GXE). Being far from any bodies of water, not that I ever go to the beach, but I like knowing I can if the desire arises. The fear of getting sun burnt... happens every year, it is just a matter of when.

So the students leave campus in a little more then two weeks. Then things will really slow down around here. I have some fun trips planned coming up. Looks like Mothers Day weekend I will do a roadtrip with Jen to Philly. She has family there, and so do I, so it works out great. Then the weekend after that I will be off to Traverse for some wine tasting, and the next weekend up to Mio Michigan for canoeing with my Chapter Brothers for our retreat. Wow... it is going to be a fun month of May.

Family News: My brother Miguel had dinner last night with Goni the former president of Bolivia. How cool is that! Read his post.