
Next of kin
Alright. Enough is enough. Ever since I was a small child I have had problems with my tonsils. Several times a year they would get infected, I would think I had strep or mono, go to the doctor, and then be sent home and told to just wait cause it was a tonsil infection. Unlike everyother childrens doctor, my doctor did not want to take my tonsils out. So for years I suffered. I stopped even going to the doctor when my tonsils would swell cause I knew they would not be able to help me, and that is was not anything bad like strep or mono.

I have been sick. It started a week ago with guess what? My tonsils got all swollen. I figured usual crap, wait a few days, it will blow over. Well that was six days ago, and I have run a fever every night since then. One night my fever was so bad I got fever blisters in my mouth. They hurt, I can barely eat.

So Sunday at Midnight I took myself to the emergency room. I had almost a 102 temperature when I arrived (mind you this was after a cold shower). They checked for strep, and guess what? None. Then they drew all kinds of blood, and guess what? No viral infections or namely the famed mono. They sent me home with a bottle of stuff to gargle with to help my tongue and throat not feel so bad.

But before sending me home I had to fill out more paperwork, and it asked for my next of kin! Did they think I was dying? I might since all they gave me is some stuff for my throat, I mean nothing to actually stop the infection, just make it hurt less. Medicine makes no sense to me, doctors cured my moms cancer, but can't tell me why my throat hurts. Where's the logic in that?

Since when do doctors no help cure the problem? They just gave me some crap to help my throat not hurt, told me to rest, and wait to see what happens. They ask for my next of kin, then tell me to go home and wait. That was very reasuring. Oh yeah, and at least they recommended me to a doctor to look at my tonsils... and maybe get them take out.

Despite being sick today I went to work (I did leave early). I felt like crap, I have barely eaten in three days cause my mouth hurts so bad. I am tired cause the fever keeps me up at night. And no one can help, not even the doctors.

I have an appointment with this other doctor on wednesday, if I live til then. If I do not live, Novali gets all my life insurance money, and Mom I listed you as my next of kin.