
Friends and To Do Lists

One of our planning meetings at La Rosita
People ask me how do I make my to do lists, and honestly, I don't. Each day is a blur of priorities, mixed with deadlines and phones calls during trips to appointments and reminders of things I forgot to do. Yeah, sometimes I forget too. 

Most often when people ask how do I do it all, its cause of good friends and a supportve family is my answer. Today was a great example... in less than 24 hours I planned two impromptu meetings to work on an event coming up in two weeks... and guess what, 13 people showed up between the two meetings. On top of that several people emailed me asking how they can help. 

So West Side Wednesday is coming up in two weeks... and while we aren't ready, and we are behind in planning, it will happen and be fantastic. Why? Because of all the people helping. CANT WAIT! 

If you are in the area, check out the event... it will be a fun time! 
