Take a look around my little piece of the internet.
To Do List I have a long to-do-list. I am not complaining. I had a great vacation and one of the draw backs is having to miss some work and school and make it up. I am making it up now.
In trying to keep up with work I have forgone the fun things in life. Like writing on my blog and posting pictures of Novali and my Bolivia trip. This will all get done this weekend, but for now I want to post some teaser pictures of what is coming soon and give some updates on life in Allendale, MI.
Little Valerie and bundled up
Naked in the tub
Raquel is doing well with her little girl. Her and Daniel are handling everything as well as can be expected of first time parents. I remember what it was like... not knowing what to do, asking mom everything, non-stop gifts from dad for the kid, and hoping things turn out good. I hate that I was never there everyday to get the full experience, I am jealous of Raquel for that. Great pictures from our dad. He got a digital camera. Can't wait to see the pictures of Novali from the weekend dad... still waiting.
Hanging around the house with the famous bunny, Nono.
Getting ready for the day (thats her potty... yeah for no more diapers)
On the way to Michigan she wanted milk...
...and juice at the same time!
When my family was in town we went to my favorite little bar...
With her Tio Andres at none other then BFE.
It was great seeing Novali when getting back from Bolivia. I did not see her for four weeks and it was killing me! Andres came, my mom got her in the pool, and my dad snapped a million photos (which I need copies of...). The weekend was great and got me relaxed before starting this crazy week.
Bolivia Pics
In La Paz walking around with Miguel.
At Rio Pirai with Felipe and abuelito.
I know you all want to see the Bolivia pictures. I took nearly 800 pictures and now I need to sort them and see what I want to put online. They will be up hopefully early next week. It will be a huge gallery so look out. I also will write a little about each picture.
Life As crazy as work and things are I am feeling good about life right now. I made the decision that no matter what I am moving to Chicago this summer. I will not accept a job anywhere else. I had a hard time being away from Novali for four weeks, and I am tired of the long drives. I want to be closer. So Greek advisor job or not, I am moving to Chicago. I will find something, it is the one thing in life I can always count on, the unexpected good things. Life has a strange way of working itself out when you really need something, and I need to be closer. So that is that.
Car No my car is not broken down, well not the Nissan. The Mercury just cost me a small fortune. Tamara lost the muffler to the car while driving over break, so I paid 200 bucks for that and an oil change. Then while on her way back to Chicago with Novali the car broke down... she needed to get towed. The bill for the repair was over 700 bucks. Ouch. When it snows it blizzards.
Weekend Tonight: work and laundry. Not much fun. Tomorrow: work, meetings, and then thesis cram session with Becky. Not much fun. Saturday: Detroit Autoshow with Becky. Lots of fun! Sunday. Work, meetings, posting pictures, and maybe some time for fun, but I doubt it.
Life goes on. Thanks for reading and commenting folks. It makes my day.