A while back we got contracts from the kids' school. Both Mari and Cruz go to the same school. So I got them together in the kitchen, and before I signed it I wanted to read to them what is expected of the parents, and what is expected of them. The list of their expectations went a little something like this...
Come ready for school
Keep your hands to yourself
Choose your attitude
No bullying
Do your homework
As I finished the list, I asked them, do you guys understand and will follow these rules? Mari right away replies:
"The attitude one is for me, the rest is for Cruzy"
She's sassy and she knows it. I kinda like it, I mean I want her to speak her mind. I want her to challenge things when she thinks they don't make sense. I want her to be her, and express her feelings and frustrations. I do want her to eat more vegetables though without fighting me. Win some, you lose some.
When I drop the kids off to school as they jump out I tell them to work hard, be a leader, and that I love them. She often turns around and tells me, "I know Papi!" One day when I picked her up she told me, "Papi I was a leader today", I asked what did you do? "I told everyone what to do, but they didn't listen!" #BossLady
Anyhow, I planned to write this into more of a lesson of some sorts that I learn from her, but really just wanted to find a blog to use this favorite photo of Mari from a SB Cubs game last summer. She snatched my glasses off my head, put them on, and said, "I don't like these glasses" but then didn't give them back. She is a real charmer.
I try to post about her antics as we drive to school daily. I pick her up most days from her morning preschool to take her to the afternoon preschool. What seems like a hassle is really a blessing, our chats in the car and seeing her grow and mature this year has been fun. Or getting to chat with her teacher at pick up about something she did in class she wasn't supposed to (they never wait to tell you good things unfortunately, or at least that has never happened. ha)
Next year she will be in kindergarten, I won't have to pick her up midday... I'll miss those times but I hope I never tire of that sass and 'tude (might regret this post when she turns 13).
Look out world, this five year old is coming to get ya.