
Community Engagement

I have slacked on my blogging but lately I have been frustrated with the lack of community and civic engagement in my city. This week I got to work with the Group Violence Intervention program, one of the more challenging involvements I have had in the community reminded me that we need more people stepping up in South Bend and I wanted to write a little about it.

Right now so many national issues are swirling around and our local response has been a mixed bag. From police brutality, racism and privilege, immigration reform... and everyone loves a good Facebook fight about it. that won't change things.

Meanwhile local issues continue to go on mostly undiscussed by the general population. It has me thinking a lot about the issues we face, getting out good information, and more importantly engaging citizens in making our community better.

There are so many opportunities for people to get involved. Right now people are announcing their candidacy for our upcoming local elections. In a community that has historically been very divided, and leaders who chose to be divisive instead of seeking unity, I am surprised at the low number of people looking to fill many of these critical roles. Most importantly, I am disappointed in the qualifications and more importantly the political track record of most of those who are running.

Have we gotten to such a point in our local politics, that only people who like the drama and being divisive are willing to step into the arena? What have we as citizens done to encourage this behavior? Reading the sensationalized news, and joining in on political rants?

When I attend local meetings, you see it, lack of professionalism, no respect, and meetings that run worse than a Little Rascals meeting of the He-man Womens Haters Club. It is honestly a major disappointment.

So I am calling on local folks to step up. For my friends around the country, get involved in your local leadership scene, for my South Bend friends... lets do better. Our community is poised right now for great things, but like all things poised for greatness, it means we are teetering on complete failure.

So how can you get involved? Start saying yes when people ask for help, when you see an issue you care about starting asking others how you can help. We need all members of our community involved in some type of civic organization that is doing good in the neighborhoods. From Rotary to Kwianis, from Junior League to coaching a little league team. We all have an obligation to serve others, and it is easy, and more importantly... FUN to do.

I have been in South Bend now for nearly 7 years. I was asked to get involved in the South Bend Group Violence Intervention program as mentioned above. I could have said no, or that man I am too busy, or it doesn't fit into my work schedule, or I live in a safe neighborhood so I don't care about the violence in other parts of town... but I didn't and I stepped up. I have learned a lot from the process, about how felons are treated after jail, the challenges they face, the resources they do/don't have, and more importantly about how I can help.

The involvement is a couple hours of time, and offering myself as a resource.

What is an issue you care about? Helping low income people buy homes? Helping improve working conditions for low wage workers? Improving the maintenance of our streets? Making sure the city spends money appropriately? Supporting more small businesses?

Maybe start with what skills do you bring to the table? Maybe you work in training and development, or know about realestate? Maybe you are handy around the house and want to volunteer your skills?

There is a place, and more importantly a need, that each citizen can fill. Let's do better South Bend, let's work together to create solutions for our problems.