
Time with Novali... no time with the Nissan
Well I just returned from a two day visit with Novali, what a fun time. Finally the weather cooperated with me so her and I could go and play at the park. I taught her how to climb a chain ladder, she learned very quickly, and I got her to slide down all the slides. More information and pictures from the trip are posted on her website. Click on the link on the top right and check her out.

Work was busy lately, and my trip to Philly, then to Chicago have gotten me very far behind on Project NX. I worked a little on her this morning and finally got the new sun visors installed and almost finished the center console to finally make that Momo leather boot look like it was made to fit in my car.

I got the exhaust pipe rewelded so that is all ready to go again. She is ready for the track at least... still no paint but at least she is running well. I am debating on just saving the money and paying someone to paint the car. I just have no time right now, but I have no money either. Ah that was not a long debate... maybe some money will come my way soon.

Well the afternoon is half over, I got some sun already working on my car. My level of pastiness is decreasing since the sun has finally decided to show its face. Very good... very good.

Work, well this has been something I never posted about. Work at CompuCraft is going as well as can be expected. However, Monday, Apple will be making a big announcement. It has been very hush hush... the rumors are a dual 2 gig G5 chip! New tower design... and super price reductions on the iBook line... we will see. So needless to say I will be busy at work this week posting information on the web about the releases and talking to customers who I am sure will be lining up to get in on the latest ground breaking ideas from Apple.

Signing off... this is Sam Centellas, on his way outside to get a tan!

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