
Oh The Snow
So we have a snow day. Classes as of 6pm were canceled at GVSU. So that meant no night class and I got to take a break for the night. So I am trying to get caught up on a few things. I finally got all my Bolivia pictures ready for the web. Here they are:

Bolivia 2003

Once you click on a thumbnailed picture you will get the full-size one with a description of the picture. If you follow them from the start to end they are in the same order as my trip. Also I explained most of the trips and other things in my blogs for the those days. Just look back for the details. The gallery will be up for a while, but I will delete it soon because it is using a lot of server space.

For the rest of my night I am planning to get some thesis work done, organize my room a little, finish some other class assignments, and also relax. I need to eat now and then get to work.

Maybe tomorrow will be another snow day. A man can always dream.

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