
Spring Fever
Spring fever has hit... unfortunately this year it took until nearly May for nice enough weather to hit so that you can get out and enjoy some long needed sun. Well the sun is here, mixed with the typical spring rain and thunderstorms (my favorite) and I can finally be outside... working on the car.

Couple projects underway right now. Well as always I am fine tuning the bump in my car... I took my subs out for some trips and finally put them back in, and while I was at it upgraded a few other things. I purchased baffles and bass blockers for my interior speakers so they would sound more crisp and leave the bass production to my Polk subs. The sound is cleaner and yes... I can turn it up even more. Nothing relaxes me more then sitting with a torn apart door panel wiring some speakers.

Door spacers to fit the baffles and a small bass blocker. All custom wired.

Two Polk GNX subs give me all the bass I need... and then some.

My next project was a little more indepth. I bought a new exhaust for my car and finally got around to taking it to the shop for the custom pipes to get bent. I also was able to score a great deal on an AEM Cold Air Intake. For those who don't know what that is... it is a racing style air intake. I got it a few months ago and planned to install it myself in the spring. Also over winter I got a strut tower brace and my MAF Sensor went bad again so I needed a weekend to work on the car. I called up Hermen to see if he was free and able to come help out and he was... so Team PLP was back together. He came on Saturday morning and we got cracking. I started on Friday taking a few things apart, and once he got there the trips to Autozone and Burger King began!

I bought an OBX mv3089 Twin Tip Muffler.

My first AEM Cold Air Intake!

Before: Whimpy Muffler.

After: Dual Polished mean sounding muffler.

Before: Big Stock Restrictive Airbox.

After: Smooth Slick Polished Air Intake.
Working with Hermen was great... forgetting to get things at Autozone... drilling into hot aluminum, cutting our hands screwing into the fender, and getting dirty under the car. Just like the old days working on the NX and the Sonoma. We sat and figured out problems, came up with solutions... and worked on how to get it all working right. Good team work.

I love getting the power tools out... RRR..

The intake required us to work inside the fender well.

The upper pipe.

Lower pipe and AEM Logo.

Well after all the hard work... she turned right on. Man she sounded MEAN! You could hear the new intake sucking in air. The intake paired with the new exhaust sounded incredible. Hermen and I jumped in and backed out of my parking spot... I lined it up in the parking lot, revved the engine and listen to her scream to go... I ripped the clutch loose and my spinning tires blew out blue smoke and the sound and smell of burning rubber made my day. It was good... but then the car stalled. Oh no? I started her right back up and Hermen and I took her for a ride. She would stall after a hard acceleration to a fast stop. It was late in the day so Hermen and I figured we would problem solve it in the morning. Heather came over and we all got some dinner and went to Kzoo for a get together with my Brothers.

We had a fun time in Kzoo.... Milan had Brothers over. We missed the BBQ but made it in time for some dancing, laughing at old times, making some new times, and got to watch Brothers stroll while eating hot dogs... a Beta first in my book.

Betas came from GV, UoM and MSU to hang to out.

Some GV Gammas.

Sergio strolling with a hot dog!

Jeff (my little Brother) and I

WMU Gammas came late... but they made it.

Nothing like chillin on the couch and hanging out. Good times.

Well that was the weekend. It was nice to not have a ton to do besides sitting in my parking lot working on the car. I did get a call from Miguel my older Brother.... and he is getting married! Wow... he will be the first one. Not sure time plans yet, but I am sure details will be coming soon. Miguel never fails to plan well. So he has a new sweet job, getting married, moving... wow. Good luck!

So Sunday Hermen and I worked on the car some more... but no luck solving the stalling issue. So this morning I dropped her at the shop to see if they can help. Hopefully it is something minor so that one it doesn't cost me a lot... and secondly so I can get my baby back on the street and ready for the first race of the season... this Saturday!

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