
Go Irish!
Whenever you tell someone you live in South Bend they say... Notre Dame fan? My typical answer at first was, "No" I am not from South Bend and didn't go to Notre Dame so why would I be a fan? Well slowly that answer turned into "I am not a fan yet, I am trying to fight it"... cause man it is hard not rooting for Notre Dame here.

Well its not helping that this year Notre Dame is off to a good start on the football season. So maybe I am becoming a fair weather fan. Well this weekend I had Novali and we went to my favorite Wing place (I am still addicted to wings) and the Notre Dame game happened to be on the TV. Novi got excited and recognized the Gold helmets and asked me if I was cheering for Notre Dame... and my answer was simply, "Yes". So we ate our wings and cheered ... Go Irish!

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