
#BeBold on April 4th

Today is the founding date of my fraternity. We turn 28 years old today, in a couple weeks I turn 15 in the fraternity... time flies when you are having fun.

I have a special request to Brothers on this special day. Among all the posts of parties tonight, tomorrow, Brother outings and shindigs... there will be many opportunities for making bad decisions. So in the middle of your celebration, and yes please celebrate, yes have beer... but in the celebration lets remember why we were founded, and how much work there is left to do.

Our country still treats Latino's like second class citizens and Immigration Reform continues to slip out of our grasp.

Our Greek Community, while improving, still in parts of this country doesn't accept minority members and goes so far as to flaunt their ability to do so.

Our country's politics continue to marginalize those on the lower socioeconomic scale and the divide between rich and poor grows daily.

We took an oath to be Brothers, to be something a little more than we were alone, and to use that strength to make this country and our world a better place. Go and #BeBold and do something to help make a difference.

Maybe donate to our education foundation: Contribute Now

Maybe find your local community center and pledge to volunteer some time.

Maybe find out of your local politician supporters Immigration Reform. Then write them a thank you letter, or write a letter asking for their support.

Our fraternity was created to make a difference, and I think when we celebrate our growth and accomplishments we have to remember, we have accomplished much, because there is much work to be done, and still a lot left unfinished... Lets Get Right In The Mix.... #BeBold

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