
Post Injury Workouts with Dude

Quick catch up for those who don't see all my Instagram stories. 

Fall 2023 Cruz was on his middle school football team. He shared snaps as the quarterback, they had one cool play where for his first snap in the game he would line up as a running back, and get a lateral from the starting QB and then throw... his completion was 100%, and two for touch downs. Then the team was onto the fact that he could throw, and he would take turns at snaps. 

Their season was not great, new coach, new program, and mostly 7th grades in the starting line up. They lost more than they won, but their sportsmanship was better, and their teamwork improved despite a worse record. In the last game of the season... dude got sacked, by maybe the biggest guy on the other team... he came out and coaches thought he dislocated his shoulder. In talking to him I knew that wasn't the case, we had him sleep it off on the couch... but in the morning it was clear that it was most likely his collarbone. A few trips running around doctor to doctor confirmed... broken collarbone. 

He was bummed, this would mean he would miss basketball season. Luckily no surgery, just a sling for 6-8 weeks. He was good through the regular x-rays and doctor visits, toward the end of the time he was out of sling often and once got jostled and we went to doctor just in case.. it was fine. He was cleared for new sling and non-contact regular activity, and contact sports and skiiing/snowboard after Christmas... 

So the first week out of the sling... made dude workout with me! He was excited to be out of the sling, not excited about that at all. I got a good Tracy Steen work out on, and we went to work... man was he rusty! It was a good example of why it is important to train, in just 6 weeks in a sling his left arm was not able to do same weight or reps of his right arm. It was a good chance to push him a little, but also teach about why you have to train, why I work hard training and running, and that now him and I have to work out weekly and during break try to get him balanced out and ready for sports again. 

I try to be a good example of fitness and health to the kids, and of trying to eat well and make them eat vegetables... I am less strict on my Keto now, eating more balanced myself. I did some intermittent fasting when training for my last triathlon (Blog About that) and went alcohol free again for a while... it all makes a difference and like I said not just for my health, but also as an example to the kids. 

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