
My SLBEF Why Reminder

This weekend I got a reminder of why I love SLB and dedicate time to help grow the SLB Education Foundation. That reminder came from none other than Ric. 

Thousands around the country and world call him Founding Father Ricardo Zamudio... but to me he has just been Ric for a long time. This weekend walking into a diner we got asked how long have you all known each other... and I think it was 2000 when I first met Ric. 

I became a part of Sigma Lambda Beta when I crossed on April 17, 1999... I think I went online right around now to start pledging. So its been 25 years... and a couple of my line Brothers and I are talking about a little 25th anniversary reunion tour... the memories of road trips to chapters all over, clubs from LA to NYC, conferences from DC to Oakland, baby showers, weddings, funerals, and everything in between. I served on the national board of the fraternity, and now serve as a national trustee for our charitable arm. 

It was MLK Weekend and we were in Atlanta so we did a stop at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights. Outside the building was a quote, not from MLK, but it helped me get the juices flowing about our work, that of a small historically Latino fraternity, and its foundation. 

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." ~ Margaret Mead

We fundraise from members and friends so we can give scholarships and grants to members/chapters for programs, AND we now manage a nearly $500,000! Not bad for a historically Latino fraternity founded in the middle of corn fields (Iowa) with a whole lot of nothing, that we turned into something special. Ric has been there since the beginning and still keeps giving of his time, talent and treasure. 

So how did Ric remind me why we do what we do this weekend... it is small acts of service to each other that make the world a better place. I am a runner, and I lamented not packing warm enough clothes for the trip to run. Ric after we went to bed texted me, "hey Bro, I left out my gloves, head warmer and purple hoodie for you". Sure enough, when I got up to run, on a chair by the front door, warm gear. I ran five miles in 26 degree temp. Ric helps people be better, and has given his time thoughtfully, and tirelessly to help others. 

Thank you Ric, for all you have done for me and for SLB. (don't worry, I am working on the draft annual report and will get it done soon, but I had to pit stop to write this). 
Hey... you can give as well to help the good work along. Member or not, contributions are accepted here: https://slbfoundation.com/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I am so proud of my brother (but I’m partial). He has and will continue to be kind and giving. I’m glad others acknowledge him!